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s41598-018-30302-2.pdf 1,98MB
1000 Titel
  • The age-regulated zinc finger factor ZNF367 is a new modulator of neuroblast proliferation during embryonic neurogenesis
1000 Autor/in
  1. Naef, Valentina |
  2. Monticelli, Sara |
  3. Corsinovi, Debora |
  4. Mazzetto, Maria T. |
  5. Cellerino, Alessandro |
  6. Ori, Michela |
1000 Erscheinungsjahr 2018
1000 LeibnizOpen
1000 Publikationstyp
  1. Artikel |
1000 Online veröffentlicht
  • 2018-08-07
1000 Erschienen in
1000 Quellenangabe
  • 8:11836
1000 FRL-Sammlung
1000 Copyrightjahr
  • 2018
1000 Lizenz
1000 Verlagsversion
  • https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-30302-2 |
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmid/19398580/ |
1000 Publikationsstatus
1000 Begutachtungsstatus
1000 Sprache der Publikation
1000 Abstract/Summary
  • Global population aging is one of the major social and economic challenges of contemporary society. During aging the progressive decline in physiological functions has serious consequences for all organs including brain. The age-related incidence of neurodegenerative diseases coincides with the sharp decline of the amount and functionality of adult neural stem cells. Recently, we identified a short list of brain age-regulated genes by means of next-generation sequencing. Among them znf367 codes for a transcription factor that represents a central node in gene co-regulation networks during aging, but whose function in the central nervous system (CNS), is completely unknown. As proof of concept, we analysed the role of znf367 during Xenopus laevis neurogenesis. By means of a gene loss of function approach limited to the CNS, we suggested that znf367 might act as a key controller of the neuroblast cell cycle, particularly in the progression of mitosis and spindle checkpoint. A candidate gene approach based on a weighted-gene co-expression network analysis, revealed fancd2 and ska3 as possible targets of znf367. The age-related decline of znf367 correlated well with its role during embryonic neurogenesis, opening new lines of investigation also in adult neurogenesis to improved maintenance and even repair of neuronal function.
1000 Sacherschließung
lokal Developmental biology
lokal Developmental neurogenesis
1000 Fächerklassifikation (DDC)
1000 Liste der Beteiligten
  1. https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/TmFlZiwgVmFsZW50aW5h|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/TW9udGljZWxsaSwgU2FyYQ==|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/Q29yc2lub3ZpLCBEZWJvcmE=|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/TWF6emV0dG8sIE1hcmlhIFQu|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/Q2VsbGVyaW5vLCBBbGVzc2FuZHJv|https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6777-0208
1000 Label
1000 Förderer
  1. Università di Pisa |
1000 Fördernummer
  1. -
1000 Förderprogramm
  1. -
1000 Dateien
1000 Förderung
  1. 1000 joinedFunding-child
    1000 Förderer Università di Pisa |
    1000 Förderprogramm -
    1000 Fördernummer -
1000 Objektart article
1000 Beschrieben durch
1000 @id frl:6416095.rdf
1000 Erstellt am 2019-09-02T15:11:53.161+0200
1000 Erstellt von 285
1000 beschreibt frl:6416095
1000 Bearbeitet von 25
1000 Zuletzt bearbeitet Mon Mar 23 09:00:45 CET 2020
1000 Objekt bearb. Mon Mar 23 09:00:35 CET 2020
1000 Vgl. frl:6416095
1000 Oai Id
  1. oai:frl.publisso.de:frl:6416095 |
1000 Sichtbarkeit Metadaten public
1000 Sichtbarkeit Daten public
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