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1-s2.0-S1201971220301326-main.pdf 2,41MB
1000 Titel
  • Patients of COVID-19 may benefit from sustained Lopinavir-combined regimen and the increase of Eosinophil may predict the outcome of COVID-19 progression
1000 Autor/in
  1. Liu, Fang |
  2. Xu, Aifang |
  3. Zhang, Yan |
  4. Xuan, Weiling |
  5. Yan, Tingbo |
  6. Pan, Kenv |
  7. Yu, Wenyan |
  8. Zhang, Jun |
1000 Erscheinungsjahr 2020
1000 Publikationstyp
  1. Artikel |
1000 Online veröffentlicht
  • 2020-03-12
1000 Erschienen in
1000 Quellenangabe
  • 95:183-191
1000 Copyrightjahr
  • 2020
1000 Lizenz
1000 Verlagsversion
  • https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2020.03.013 |
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7193136/ |
1000 Publikationsstatus
1000 Begutachtungsstatus
1000 Sprache der Publikation
1000 Abstract/Summary
  • OBJECTIVES To explore the epidemiological information, clinical characteristics, therapeutic outcomes and temporal progression of laboratory findings in 2019-coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients exposed to lopinavir. METHODS We collected data from ten COVID-19 patients admitted between January 22, 2020 and February 11, 2020 at Xixi hospital in Hangzhou, China. RESULTS Of ten patients, secondary, tertiary and quartus patients emerged; the incubation period was 3–7 days. Mainly initial symptoms were cough and low fever (37.3–38.0 °C). An asymptomatic case presented normal radiography, the others had ground glass opacities. All cases (three transferred, seven discharged) were exposed to lopinavir on initial hospitalization. Three patients stopped lopinavir because of adverse effects, two of them deteriorated, one was hospitalized longer than others who with sustained lopinavir use. Levels of potassium, albumin, and lymphocytes were low, but increased persistently after treatment. Eosinophil values were low on initial hospitalization, then all returned to normal before discharge. Viral load of SARS-CoV-2, radiography and eosinophil improved continuously in 3–14, 6–8 and 7–9 days, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Increasing eosinophils may be an indicator of COVID-19 improvement. The COVID-19 patients may benefit from sustained lopinavir use. More research on a larger scale is needed to verify these points.
1000 Sacherschließung
gnd 1206347392 COVID-19
1000 Fächerklassifikation (DDC)
1000 Liste der Beteiligten
  1. https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/TGl1LCBGYW5n|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/WHUsIEFpZmFuZw==|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/WmhhbmcsIFlhbg==|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/WHVhbiwgV2VpbGluZw==|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/WWFuLCBUaW5nYm8=|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/UGFuLCBLZW52|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/WXUsIFdlbnlhbg==|https://frl.publisso.de/adhoc/uri/WmhhbmcsIEp1biA=
1000 Label
1000 Fördernummer
  1. -
1000 Förderprogramm
  1. -
1000 Dateien
1000 Objektart article
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1000 @id frl:6422294.rdf
1000 Erstellt am 2020-08-04T08:40:12.575+0200
1000 Erstellt von 21
1000 beschreibt frl:6422294
1000 Bearbeitet von 218
1000 Zuletzt bearbeitet Fri Oct 01 16:08:47 CEST 2021
1000 Objekt bearb. Fri Oct 01 16:08:47 CEST 2021
1000 Vgl. frl:6422294
1000 Oai Id
  1. oai:frl.publisso.de:frl:6422294 |
1000 Sichtbarkeit Metadaten public
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