Journal of Animal Ecology - 2021 - Louvrier - Spatiotemporal interactions of a novel mesocarnivore community in an urban.pdf 1,79MB
1000 Titel
  • Spatiotemporal interactions of a novel mesocarnivore community in an urban environment before and during SARS-CoV-2 lockdown
1000 Autor/in
  1. Louvrier, Julie |
  2. Planillo Fuentespina, Aimara Ma |
  3. Stillfried, Milena |
  4. Hagen, Robert |
  5. Börner, Konstantin |
  6. Kimmig, Sophia Elisabeth |
  7. Ortmann, Sylvia |
  8. Schumann, Anke |
  9. Brandt, Miriam |
  10. Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie |
1000 Erscheinungsjahr 2021
1000 LeibnizOpen
1000 Publikationstyp
  1. Artikel |
1000 Online veröffentlicht
  • 2021-11-14
1000 Erschienen in
1000 Quellenangabe
  • 91(2):367-380
1000 FRL-Sammlung
1000 Copyrightjahr
  • 2021
1000 Lizenz
1000 Verlagsversion
  • |
  • |
1000 Ergänzendes Material
  • |
1000 Publikationsstatus
1000 Begutachtungsstatus
1000 Sprache der Publikation
1000 Abstract/Summary
  • Studying species interactions and niche segregation under human pressure provides important insights into species adaptation, community functioning and ecosystem stability. Due to their high plasticity in behaviour and diet, urban mesocarnivores are ideal species for studying community assembly in novel communities. We analysed the spatial and temporal species interactions of an urban mesocarnivore community composed of the red fox Vulpes vulpes and the marten Martes sp. as native species, the raccoon Procyon lotor as invasive species, and the cat Felis catus as a domestic species in combination with human disturbance modulated by the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown effect that happened while the study was conducted. We analysed camera trap data and applied a joint species distribution model to understand not only the environmental variables influencing the detection of mesocarnivores and their use intensity of environmental features but also the species’ co-occurrences while accounting for environmental variables. We then assessed whether they displayed temporal niche partitioning based on activity analyses, and finally analysed at a smaller temporal scale the time of delay after the detection of another focal species. We found that species were more often detected and displayed a higher use intensity in gardens during the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown period, while showing a shorter temporal delay during the same period, meaning a high human-induced spatiotemporal overlap. All three wild species spatially co-occurred within the urban area, with a positive response of raccoons to cats in detection and use intensity, whereas foxes showed a negative trend towards cats. When assessing the temporal partitioning, we found that all wild species showed overlapping nocturnal activities. All species displayed temporal segregation based on temporal delay. According to the temporal delay analyses, cats were the species avoided the most by all wild species. To conclude, we found that although the wild species were positively associated in space, the avoidance occurred at a smaller temporal scale, and human pressure in addition led to high spatiotemporal overlap. Our study sheds light to the complex patterns underlying the interactions in a mesocarnivore community both spatially and temporally, and the exacerbated effect of human pressure on community dynamics.
1000 Sacherschließung
lokal temporal niche partitioning
lokal camera trap
lokal urban ecology
lokal SARS-CoV-2 lockdown effect
lokal spatial niche
lokal activity patterns
lokal mesocarnivores
lokal joint species distribution models
1000 Fächerklassifikation (DDC)
1000 Liste der Beteiligten
1000 Label
1000 Förderer
  1. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst |
  2. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung |
1000 Fördernummer
  1. 57423756
  2. 01IO1725; 01LC1501
1000 Förderprogramm
  1. -
  2. -
1000 Dateien
  1. Spatiotemporal interactions of a novel mesocarnivore community in an urban environment before and during SARS-CoV-2 lockdown
1000 Förderung
  1. 1000 joinedFunding-child
    1000 Förderer Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst |
    1000 Förderprogramm -
    1000 Fördernummer 57423756
  2. 1000 joinedFunding-child
    1000 Förderer Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung |
    1000 Förderprogramm -
    1000 Fördernummer 01IO1725; 01LC1501
1000 Objektart article
1000 Beschrieben durch
1000 @id frl:6434398.rdf
1000 Erstellt am 2022-08-02T11:16:55.040+0200
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1000 Zuletzt bearbeitet Fri Aug 05 16:05:52 CEST 2022
1000 Objekt bearb. Fri Aug 05 16:05:52 CEST 2022
1000 Vgl. frl:6434398
1000 Oai Id
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