s12915-023-01557-7.pdf 1,18MB
1000 Titel
  • Pregnancy-related sensory defcits might impair foraging in echolocating bats
1000 Autor/in
  1. Taub, Mor |
  2. Mazar, Omer |
  3. Yovel, Yossi |
1000 Erscheinungsjahr 2023
1000 Publikationstyp
  1. Artikel |
1000 Online veröffentlicht
  • 2023-03-28
1000 Erschienen in
1000 Quellenangabe
  • 21:60
1000 Copyrightjahr
  • 2023
1000 Lizenz
1000 Verlagsversion
  • |
1000 Ergänzendes Material
  • |
1000 Publikationsstatus
1000 Begutachtungsstatus
1000 Sprache der Publikation
1000 Abstract/Summary
  • BACKGROUND: Reproduction entails substantial demands throughout its distinct stages. The mammalian gestation period imposes various energetic costs and movement deficits, but its effects on the sensory system are poorly understood. Bats rely heavily on active sensing, using echolocation to forage in complete darkness, or when lighting is uncertain. We examined the effects of pregnancy on bat echolocation. RESULTS: We show that pregnant Kuhl’s pipistrelles (Pipistrellus kuhlii) altered their echolocation and flight behavior. Specifically, pregnant bats emitted longer echolocation signals at an ~ 15% lower rate, while flying more slowly and at a lower altitude compared to post-lactating females. A sensorimotor foraging model suggests that these changes could lead to an ~ 15% reduction in hunting performance during pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Sensory deficits related to pregnancy could impair foraging in echolocating bats. Our study demonstrates an additional cost of reproduction of possible relevance to other sensory modalities and organisms.
1000 Sacherschließung
lokal Pregnancy
lokal Reproduction
lokal Echolocation
lokal Movement
lokal Sensing
1000 Fächerklassifikation (DDC)
1000 Liste der Beteiligten
1000 Label
1000 Fördernummer
  1. -
1000 Förderprogramm
  1. -
1000 Dateien
1000 Objektart article
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1000 @id frl:6441141.rdf
1000 Erstellt am 2023-03-28T11:55:07.895+0200
1000 Erstellt von 284
1000 beschreibt frl:6441141
1000 Bearbeitet von 25
1000 Zuletzt bearbeitet Tue Mar 28 14:07:13 CEST 2023
1000 Objekt bearb. Tue Mar 28 14:07:12 CEST 2023
1000 Vgl. frl:6441141
1000 Oai Id
  1. |
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