s41597-019-0029-2.pdf 982,19KB
1000 Titel
  • Data from the Human Penguin Project, a cross-national dataset testing social thermoregulation principles
1000 Autor/in
  1. Chuan-Peng, Hu |
  2. Yin, Ji-Xing |
  3. Lindenberg, Siegwart |
  4. Dalgar, Ilker |
  5. Weissgerber, Sophia |
  6. Vergara, Rodrigo C. |
  7. Cairo, Athena H. |
  8. Čolić, Marija V. |
  9. Dursun, Pinar |
  10. Frankowska, Natalia |
  11. Hadi, Rhonda |
  12. Hall, Calvin J. |
  13. Hong, Youngki |
  14. Joy-Gaba, Jennifer |
  15. Lazarević, Dušanka |
  16. Lazarević, Ljiljana B. |
  17. Parzuchowski, Michal |
  18. Ratner, Kyle G. |
  19. Rothman, David |
  20. Sim, Samantha |
  21. Simão, Cláudia |
  22. Song, Mengdi |
  23. Stojilović, Darko |
  24. Blomster Lyshol, Johanna Katarina |
  25. Brito, Rodrigo |
  26. Hennecke, Marie |
  27. Jaume-Guazzini, Francisco |
  28. Schubert, Thomas |
  29. Schütz, Astrid |
  30. Seibt, Beate |
  31. Zickfeld, Janis H. |
  32. IJzerman, Hans |
1000 Erscheinungsjahr 2019
1000 Publikationstyp
  1. Artikel |
1000 Online veröffentlicht
  • 2019-04-17
1000 Erschienen in
1000 Quellenangabe
  • 32(6):1
1000 FRL-Sammlung
1000 Copyrightjahr
  • 2019
1000 Lizenz
1000 Verlagsversion
  • |
  • |
1000 Publikationsstatus
1000 Begutachtungsstatus
1000 Sprache der Publikation
1000 Abstract/Summary
  • In the Human Penguin Project (N = 1755), 15 research groups from 12 countries collected body temperature, demographic variables, social network indices, seven widely-used psychological scales and two newly developed questionnaires (the Social Thermoregulation and Risk Avoidance Questionnaire (STRAQ-1) and the Kama Muta Frequency Scale (KAMF)). They were collected to investigate the relationship between environmental factors (e.g., geographical, climate etc.) and human behaviors, which is a long-standing inquiry in the scientific community. More specifically, the present project was designed to test principles surrounding the idea of social thermoregulation, which posits that social networks help people to regulate their core body temperature. The results showed that all scales in the current project have sufficient to good psychometrical properties. Unlike previous crowdsourced projects, this dataset includes not only the cleaned raw data but also all the validation of questionnaires in 9 different languages, thus providing a valuable resource for psychological scientists who are interested in cross-national, environment-human interaction studies.
1000 Sacherschließung
lokal Human behaviour
lokal Interdisciplinary studies
1000 Fächerklassifikation (DDC)
1000 Liste der Beteiligten
1000 Label
1000 Förderer
  1. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek |
  2. Agence Nationale de la Recherche |
1000 Fördernummer
  1. 016.145.049
  2. ANR-15-IDEX-02
1000 Förderprogramm
  1. Veni
  2. Investissements d’avenir
1000 Dateien
1000 Förderung
  1. 1000 joinedFunding-child
    1000 Förderer Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek |
    1000 Förderprogramm Veni
    1000 Fördernummer 016.145.049
  2. 1000 joinedFunding-child
    1000 Förderer Agence Nationale de la Recherche |
    1000 Förderprogramm Investissements d’avenir
    1000 Fördernummer ANR-15-IDEX-02
1000 Objektart article
1000 Beschrieben durch
1000 @id frl:6423425.rdf
1000 Erstellt am 2020-10-12T09:31:13.109+0200
1000 Erstellt von 122
1000 beschreibt frl:6423425
1000 Bearbeitet von 122
1000 Zuletzt bearbeitet Mon Oct 12 09:32:25 CEST 2020
1000 Objekt bearb. Mon Oct 12 09:32:10 CEST 2020
1000 Vgl. frl:6423425
1000 Oai Id
  1. |
1000 Sichtbarkeit Metadaten public
1000 Sichtbarkeit Daten public
1000 Gegenstand von

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