10.1186_s40463-023-00654-5.pdf 1,20MB
1000 Titel
  • Comparison of dislocation rates of Teflon and Titanium stapes prostheses: A retrospective survival analysis on 855 patients
1000 Autor/in
  1. Gargula, Stephane |
  2. Daval, Mary |
  3. Lecoeuvre, Adrien |
  4. Ayache, Denis |
1000 Erscheinungsjahr 2023
1000 Publikationstyp
  1. Artikel |
1000 Online veröffentlicht
  • 2023-01-01
1000 Erschienen in
1000 Quellenangabe
  • 52(1)
1000 Copyrightjahr
  • 2023
1000 Lizenz
1000 Verlagsversion
  • |
  • |
1000 Publikationsstatus
1000 Begutachtungsstatus
1000 Sprache der Publikation
1000 Abstract/Summary
  • <jats:sec><jats:title>Background</jats:title><jats:p> Stapes prosthesis dislocation is the first cause of revision stapes surgery. To our knowledge, there is no data about stability of the incus attachment of manual crimped prosthesis of different materials. This study aimed to compare the dislocation incidence between titanium and fluoroplastic stapes prostheses. </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Method</jats:title><jats:p> A monocentric retrospective cohort study was conducted between January 2013 and June 2022 in a tertiary-care center. All patients that underwent a primary stapes surgery with manually crimped fluoroplastic or titanium prostheses were included. Prosthesis dislocation from the incus was identified intraoperatively or with CT scan. The incidence of stapedial prosthesis dislocation over time was estimated using the Kalbfleisch and Prentice survival analysis method. Other indications for revision surgery prior to prosthesis dislocation were considered as competing events. Differences in the cumulative incidence functions between the fluoroplastic group and the titanium group was assessed using the Gray's test. </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Results</jats:title><jats:p> Eight hundred and fifty-five patients underwent primary stapes surgery during the study period. Fluoroplastic prosthesis was used in 758 (88.7%) cases and titanium prosthesis in 97 (11.3%) cases. Median follow-up was 51.7 months (28.4–80.1). Dislocation was observed in 23 (3.0%) patients with fluoroplastic prosthesis and none (0.0%) in the titanium group. The probability of prosthesis dislocation at two years after surgery was 3.5% in the Teflon group and 0.0% in the Titanium group. No significant difference was found in the cumulative incidence of prosthesis dislocation between the fluoroplastic group and the titanium group (p = 0.12). </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Conclusions</jats:title><jats:p> Despite lack of statistical power, our results suggest a trend in a more stable incus attachment of manually crimped titanium stapes prosthesis compared to fluoroplastic over time. Further prospective randomized studies could be valuable to assess our findings. </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Graphical Abstract</jats:title><jats:p> </jats:p></jats:sec>
1000 Sacherschließung
lokal Otosclerosis/surgery [MeSH]
lokal Survival analysis
lokal Otosclerosis
lokal Humans [MeSH]
lokal Retrospective Studies [MeSH]
lokal Titanium
lokal Stapes
lokal Incus
lokal Stapes surgery
lokal Incus/surgery [MeSH]
lokal Titanium [MeSH]
lokal Original Research Article
lokal Ossicular Prosthesis [MeSH]
lokal Stapes Surgery/methods [MeSH]
lokal Polytetrafluoroethylene [MeSH]
lokal Stapes [MeSH]
lokal Stapes Surgery/adverse effects [MeSH]
1000 Liste der Beteiligten
1000 Hinweis
  • DeepGreen-ID: 49ed2e1d955c4d0787772c480753f5cb ; metadata provieded by: DeepGreen (, LIVIVO search scope life sciences (, Crossref Unified Resource API (, (, ZDB JSON-API (beta) (, lobid - Dateninfrastruktur für Bibliotheken (
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1000 Objektart article
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1000 Erstellt am 2024-05-14T15:04:36.984+0200
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1000 Zuletzt bearbeitet Wed May 15 08:16:43 CEST 2024
1000 Objekt bearb. Wed May 15 08:16:43 CEST 2024
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